Zoe flanked by some of the graduating seniors displaying their Zo Much More bracelets
At Zo Much More, we are especially partial to projects that connect Zoe to her various communities - and this one will certainly make it into the Zo Much More Hall of Fame!
Needham High School has a fantastic and very popular elective class, Internship in Special Education, that trains students to work with individuals of all abilities including those based in Zoe's post-grad classroom. Their teacher, the amazing Mr. Z, commissioned Zoe to make bracelets as his graduation gift to the seniors who take his class. Mr. Z entered the student names and their future schools into a shared document. On our end, Zoe looked up each school on the internet and found their school colors, mascot, etc. and entered them into the spreadsheet so that she could use them as inspiration. Zoe made each one of these graduating seniors an NHS '23 bracelet in the NHS Rockets' Blue, Gold & White and then a one of kind bracelet for each student inspired by the colors of the school that they plan to attend next. These students will not only take away an incredible amount of hands-on experience from taking this class, but they will also literally take home a connection to their time with Zoe & peers on their wrists (couldn’t resist the hand pun).
Mr. Z passed them out to the students this week so they could wear them for NHS Class of 2023 Future Plans day today. I think the group photo pretty much says it all! Huge thanks to these students and to Mr. Z!