Q2 Charity Partner Announcement
Zo Much More Spirit Bracelet for Waypoint Adventure
Zo Much More is beyond excited to announce that our Q2 2023 Charity Partner is Waypoint Adventure! We hope you will take a little time to learn about this absolutely incredible organization that makes adventure programs and outdoor education accessible to EVERYONE. Zoe has participated in a few already and we hope there will be many, many more in her future. I also had the opportunity to speak with several program participants, their families, their teachers, etc. as part of a consulting engagement a couple years ago and I can’t even begin to count the number of times the word “life-changing” came up in discussion.
We are also thrilled to share that Waypoint Adventure has graciously invited Zoe to sell bracelets (both the Waypoint spirit bracelet you see pictured above - and bracelets from Zo Much More’s general collection) at their upcoming Annual Fundraising Party 2 weeks from today - Thursday, April 27th - at the Cotting School in Lexington. There is no charge to attend but you do need to register ahead of time. It looks like it is going to be a ton of fun!