Summer Catch-up Part 3: Needham Community Council and Business Milestones
Event Logo & Inspiration for Zo Much More donation design
Back in the spring, Zo Much More marked another milestone in our growth as a business. We were invited to donate our products and a gift certificate to be in included in the Balloon Pop portion of a local fundraiser for a very worthwhile organization, the Needham Community Council (NCC). NCC operates a food pantry, thrift shop and provides a ton of valuable programming ranging from teaching English to ELL to loaning medical equipment to arranging transportation for elderly and disabled individuals … and the list goes on! This felt like a great synergy with Zo Much More’s mission and a fantastic opportunity to both give to the community while also getting our name out there as a local business.
The fundraiser was called “Party for the Pantry” and the color was green. Zo Much More leaned into the theme big time by donating these custom-made products: a green bracelet stack and a fidget pen inspired by the fundraiser’s logo above along with a gift certificate.
Zo Much More looks forward to continuing its relationship with the NCC. In fact, NCC was gracious to invite us to make some products available for sale in the NCC Thrift Shop which will mark another milestone for us: our first, albeit small, step into making our products available in retail setting. Sometime in the next few months, these bracelets below will be hitting the floor at the NCC Thrift Shop. We’re grateful to NCC for these opportunities.
Zo Much More welcomes inquiries for both donations for fundraising events and for retail sales opportunities.