Sample Calendar Collection Items
Today is Leap Day and it’s a day when most people are a little more on top of the calendar than usual. I suspect most people would agree that half the time they don’t know what day it is unless they really think about it - and most of us will find ourselves saying something like “Wait, what’s today’s date?” at least a few times a week.
Not Zoe, though. We’ve said all along that Zo Much More is all about Zoe’s strengths and chief among those strengths is her awareness of the calendar and her schedule. She knows her schedule forwards and backwards and NEVER forgets anything on it! If you have ever tried to have a conversation with Zoe, we can pretty much guarantee it revolved around the calendar. If she walks into someone’s house or office and they haven’t flipped their physical calendar to the next month, she’ll rectify the situation in a heartbeat. She also loves to add things to her online calendar (and ours!) all day which is why sometimes when Rob, Aaron or I check our calendar to schedule a meeting, we discover that our calendar shows us booked for “red ball” at 10am, '“cupcake” at 11am and “I go to Target” at noon. One has to admire her aspirational approach!
So like always at Zo Much More, we choose to lean in to Zoe strengths and we’ve found a way to incorporate Zoe’s calendar obsession. You can order custom bracelets or fidget pens with the days of the week (we’re looking at you When Harry Met Sally fans) or months of the year - or commemorate a special date that’s significant to you. We’ll start adding some examples in the Calendar & Holidays Gallery - but the possibilities truly are endless!