Zo Much More Fidget Pens
We use this occasion of Valentine's Day - aka Zoe's favorite color holiday - to officially announce the launch of our second major product line: The Zo Much More Fidget Pen
We draw (no pun intended) on two of Zoe’s strengths for this new product:
First, Zoe has some serious skills when it comes to taking every day items and using them to fidget. She’s what is known as a “sensory seeker” and is quite adept at finding ways to get the sensory experiences she needs. For Zoe, the tactile piece has always been particularly important; she loves to get sensory input through her fingertips all the time.
Second, Zoe loves to edit things to her liking. Legible handwriting might not be her thing, but show her a social story or a schedule with a wrong date or something missing - and she’ll grab a pen to use to edit it so fast, you won’t what you hit you. It’s always been an important way for her to communicate, especially when her spoken words might not have been as successful, so we’re excited to make sure a pen is always available.
Just like our bracelets, our Fidget Pens are all completely customizable and most importantly, we make the same donation to our Charity Partner of 20% topline revenue from every one we sell. The same rules as apply to Charity Partner spirit bracelets also apply to Fidget Pens too: anytime one is purchased with our Charity Partner’s theme, we’ll donate an additional dollar to that Charity Partner.
Zo Much More Fidget Pens don’t just look good; they all come with a bunch of fidgetable (is that a word?) components and can double as a touchscreen stylus. They lend themselves to a variety of novelty items and all kinds of themes. They are available in a range of body colors but all pens currently in our inventory write in black ink. We may try to source other ink colors in the future if we find there is sufficient demand.
We are bringing two versions of the Zo Much More Fidget Pen to market: Sensory & Super-Sensory. Both versions of Fidget Pens feature a very tactile-friendly sensory top portion with pieces that spin. The Super-Sensory Fidget Pen also contains a see-through lower barrel section that is typically filled with very small beads that provide some additional visual and auditory sensory experience.
Sensory Fidget Pens are $5 each and Super-Sensory are $7.50 each. As always, bulk discounts are available. Please get in touch to discuss your order.