Autism Acceptance Month
It's April - which means a lot of attention on autism thanks to it being Autism Acceptance Month. As I have said before, with that attention comes great opportunity. There will be a lot about autism in the news this month. There will be feel-good stories and there will also be many highlighting challenges. Some may even be controversial and many will spread misinformation. And while self-advocates are starting to make some headway in getting the share of voice they deserve, much of what is portrayed about autism continues to be from the perspective of those who are not on the spectrum.
I've thought a lot about how Zo Much More would navigate this month and make use of this opportunity. The answer is simple. We are going to keep our focus on our reason for being: Zoe's strengths and leveraging them in meaningful ways. We'll post more frequently in April - just as any good marketer in our situation would - and fortunately, we have tons of exciting news and good stuff to share. We're in the process of tallying up the total for our Q1 Charity Partner, the East Coast Jumbos, so come back tomorrow for the "Zoe with a big check" photo!
Zoe at ice hockey practice with our Q1 Charity Partner - the East Coast Jumbos.